
Doctors on call are virtual practitioner doctors who are licensed and board-certified doctors and physicians. At present, innumerable physicians and doctors practice both physically and virtually by providing advice and consultation to the patients. As people are aware of the new telemedicine healthcare segment which has evolved rapidly across the globe due to pandemic. People who are indisposed and ill, such as elderly, pregnant women or disabled patients who may not be able to visit doctors, private clinic, and hospitals.

During such situations like this doctor on call services are much viable to the patients. Patients who cannot be treated via online platform or phone, will require physical check-ups, so the authority which is responsible may send the doctor or physician to the specific location or if there is a tourist who feels weak and unwell the doctor may visit at hotel for the patient. Doctor on call is always available 24x7 during emergency.
There are shifts fixed for every doctor, but in case of emergency there is always one doctor who is available on call even during weekends if needed.
What does doctor on call do?
You must have heard the expression of “doctor on call” but wondered what they do and what are their responsibility. On call means what type of doctor you are and how senior or experienced you are for this job. Basically, doctors on call must work beyond normal hours or shift, they must check on patients who are admitted and going to stay in the hospital under observation. On call means taking call (which can often be pagers or telephones) from clinic or other hospitals in case of emergency. Working beyond their shifts can go up to 13 hours or more as they do not have any fixed timing. While in training, being on call includes staying in the hospital overnight to look after the patients from all the groups, as well as new admissions.

This can also mean you can work up to 28 hours straight with far less sleep or no sleep. This is often done in the institution where doctors must work on call beyond their shifts and depending what speciality you are in. During the training period doctors are also trained for on call duty in the institution or hospital you are working for. The length of training programme should be significantly longer to see the same number of patients from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for instance if the shift of the doctor is over and in case if there is an emergency in the hospital or residency, then the on call process will take place where the hospital will contact doctor (through pagers or telephone) who is working overnight will come for the check-up and diagnose the symptoms of the patient in need.
Nowadays, doctor on call have become very essential to treat the patient online or physically. There are many facilities and services available for on call check-ups 24x7 in all hospitals and clinics.

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  • March 28, 2025 6:04 pm local time

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