

Dusting our Mental Health

Clean your home, Clear your mind
Read these sentences while searching on the internet about
the ways that help me to avoid the boring cleaning tasks, I
mean like: vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, sheet-changing….
Start a cleaning revolution and
release all humans from these daily obligations, It can be
tempting to fantasize a life without house cleaning, Think of all
the hours of time we would be free up if we weren’t worried
about clearing countertops or scrubbing a kitchen floor on
hands and knees.
But then I discovered this interesting fact cleaning your home,
improve your mental health
That’s when I thought before I change humanity let me learn
more about this, after all, if we looked around us every
creature is a cleaner, we always see a cat or a dog liking himself
for better hygiene. Get one for yourself on hands with us.
Even the nature is a self-cleaner, we can think of the wind and
the rain as washing machines that work every year over
So I took a deep breath and start researching more, and what I
found is more interesting than giving off Cleaning , so I am
going help you Clean with Best cleaning service in Burjuman.

Here are some facts including the benefits of cleaning and how
to incorporate a cleaning schedule into your life:
• Clutter May Contribute to Depression
a study published in Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin, found that women who described their living
spaces as cluttered or full of unfinished projects were more
likely to be fatigued and depressed than women who
described their homes as restful and restorative.
• Clutter May Lead to Decreased Focus, Confusion, and


a study by Princeton University researchers discovered that
clutter can make it difficult to focus on a particular task.
More specifically, they discovered that a person visual
cortex can be overwhelmed by objects not related to a
particular task.

• Messy Homes Lead to Messy Relationships
A study noted in the scientific journal Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin measured the way 60 women discussed
their homes. Women who described their living spaces as
“cluttered” or full of “unfinished projects” were more likely
to be depressed and fatigued than women who described
their homes as “restful” and “restorative.” The researchers
also found that women with cluttered homes showed higher
levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
As a parent or spouse, that depression, fatigue, and stress
naturally affect self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-
being. From worrying about unfinished tasks and projects to concerns about a healthy environment for the family, messy
homes lead to messy relationships. For parents, this
relationship between a clean house and mental health can
help temper all the other stress of simply being a parent.
After some reading, I think we all need to check our home
and clean up so we can have a better environment and good
mental health.
Eventually who refuse a clear mind, a happy
relationship, and a healthy way to live our days.

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  • February 6, 2025 1:01 pm local time

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